Waterford Hockey Club greatly value all of our members, from players, to club officials to our many volunteers. Overall, we want Waterford Hockey Club to be a great place to learn and play hockey. Although the majority of our members join to play hockey, we offer many other opportunities for members to get involved in different parts of our sporting community.
Waterford Hockey Club is primarily a volunteer run organisation and your volunteering support is vital to enable our club to thrive. Volunteering is a great way to get to know many others in your hockey community. We appreciate whatever amount of time, big or small, you can offer as a volunteer.
We encourage all our existing Senior and Junior players, past members and parents of members to get involved as a club volunteer. We have a wide range of volunteer roles that you might like to consider helping with, such as; team manager, team manager assistant, coach, coaching assistant, umpiring, club administration or fundraising.
Volunteering is a great way that you can positively give something back to your club and your local community. Speak to a coach or contact any of our ‘Club Officials’ if your would like to give some time as a volunteer.
Waterford Hockey Club offers pathways to hockey coaching qualifications for its members. Hockey coaching courses, run by Hockey Ireland, are available through our club, offering all levels of ‘Hockey Ireland’ coaching qualifications. Alternatively, club members (including volunteers) can help our coaches and team managers as assistants. Speak to a coach for more information.
Learning to be an umpire (match referee) can greatly help a player’s hockey development and understanding of the game. Waterford Hockey Club offers pathways to umpiring qualifications for its members. Hockey umpiring courses, run by the Irish Hockey Umpires Association (IHUA), are available through our club. Umpires can progress to national umpiring level. Speak to a coach or any of our club umpires for more information.
Club Administration
As members progress in the club they have the opportunity to take up various administrative roles in the ongoing development and running of our organisation. This can be a great opportunity for young adults in particular to learn valuable management, communication and organisational life skills, while getting involved in your local community. Administrative roles include committee members, coordinators and various club officers. See our ‘Club Officials’ page for some of these key positions. Contact the ‘Club Secretary’ if you have an interest in a particular role.
Fundraising is an important part of how we finance our club. Waterford Hockey Club run a number of fundraising events throughout the hockey year; such as our ball run, cake sales, supermarket bag packing, dinner dance and other social events. We greatly appreciate all those who get involved and support these activities. The fundraising monies are used for many essential items that our club requires; such as hockey equipment and training aids, specialist goalkeeper gear, coach and umpire training and development courses for our members, and funds for future club development plans, to name but a few. Great fundraising ideas are always welcome. See our ‘Club Officials’ page to contact our club Fundraising Officer.